Financial stability and well-functioning markets are essential for maintaining confidence in the financial system, promoting economic development, and protecting the consumers of financial services. As one of the most heavily regulated sectors globally, the financial industry is crucial for ensuring the stability, security, and adequacy of services vital to society.

Financial sector participants are subject to extensive requirements regarding sound governance and control, ensuring that the provision of financial services aligns with regulatory standards and serves the best interests of both society and service users. However, the constant evolution of regulatory frameworks makes compliance a demanding and challenging task for companies operating in the financial sector.

NFR Governance & Compliance:

Our Compliance services focus on delivering practical solutions that align with the underlying intentions of regulatory requirements, while being balanced and tailored to each client’s specific needs. With extensive experience in both the financial sector and financial supervision, we take a hands-on approach, deeply understanding the objectives behind regulations. We believe that understanding the regulator’s intent allows us to develop well-adapted, proportional solutions for each client.

At NFR Group, our compliance specialists stay up-to-date with the latest regulatory developments, remaining committed to understanding our clients’ specific needs and business. We strive to deliver customized solutions that benefit both our clients and their end customers.

Some of our Governance & Compliance services:

  • Compliance Maturity Assessment
  • Policies and procedures
  • Gap-analysis
  • Compliance controls
  • Interim compliance officers and outsourcing
  • Regulatory transformation framework
  • Dialogue with NFSA